Assess the candidates in person and read their answers to our questions

Vix Lowthion, Isle of Wight Green Party's candidate for the East Wight, wins the East Wight Primary People's Champion vote.
Who are the candidatesWatch videos of the hustingsTheir answers to your questionsSee them in action (local hustings)

Who are the candidates?

Who is the best placed candidate to beat the conservatives?

We think local people rather than algorithms are best placed to know.

The local progressive candidates in East Wight are (in alphabetical order)

Green Party
Labour Party
Liberal Democrat Party

Watch videos of hustings in East Wight

You will need to log in to Facebook
You will need to log in to Facebook

Their answers to your questions

We gathered questions from our supporters at our meetings in March - on everything from ferries to dentists, housing to social care. We have written to all three  candidates asking for written replies to the common topics.

We will publish one a day from Friday 31st May here and on our social media channels.

Best candidate for East Wight

June 15, 2024
Why do you believe that you would be the most likely candidate to defeat the Conservatives in East Wight?
See Answers


June 14, 2024
How do you (or your party) propose to arrange safe routes for those seeking asylum and manage the small boats issue?
See Answers


June 13, 2024
What is your position on calling for a ceasefire in Gaza?
See Answers

Flooding & Landslips

June 12, 2024
How can the Isle of Wight and its residents be more resilient to the effects of climate change in relation to flooding and land slippage on the island?
See Answers


June 11, 2024
What are your plans for addressing the sewage discharges across the island?
See Answers


June 10, 2024
How would you seek to create more homes for Islanders whilst balancing the environmental costs of more buildings?
See Answers


June 9, 2024
How do you plan to address the current state of cross Solent travel?
See Answers


June 8, 2024
What do you plan to do to address the lack of NHS dentistry on the Island?
See Answers

Social care

June 7, 2024
What will you do to address the diminishing care home provision on the Island due to staff shortages?
See Answers

Health care

June 6, 2024
Our NHS generally is in crisis. How will you address this unacceptable situation locally and nationally?
See Answers


June 5, 2024
What plans have you got to ensure that educational access, quality and results all improve if you get elected?
See Answers

Putting the Island at the forefront

June 3, 2024
What do you see as your biggest challenge if you were to be elected as East Wight’s first MP? Why?
See Answers


June 1, 2024
What are your top three policy priorities? Description of these policies should be clear and succinct, and focus on planned actions.
See Answers

See them in action

As soon as we hear about them we'll post details of hustings and other opportunities to meet the candidates here. Some events may be in-person, some online only, and some may be in-person with online livestream available.

Here are the upcoming hustings and events.

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