We asked the candidates ...

Best candidate for East Wight

Why do you believe that you would be the most likely candidate to defeat the Conservatives in East Wight?

Asked on:
June 1, 2024
Published on:
June 15, 2024

They answered ...

Vix Lowthion : Green Party
Direct answer

I am the only candidate who has supported the East Wight Primary from the start until the end. Whilst the Labour and LibDem candidates refused/ stopped participating, I put the Isle of Wight first before national advice and was looking forward the ‘Q&A’ meetings in March as part of the original plan. Putting forward a clear, succinct argument seems to be something I do quite well – I certainly enjoy it and I know that I would hold my own in the House of Commons.

It would be the absolute honour of my life to serve islanders as their MP – and the first female MP that the Island has ever returned in its history. As a Green MP I would not be whipped by my party: I would be free to vote first and foremost for what is best for the Isle of Wight. I know many previously Conservative and Labour voters who have already switched to Green for this election, and are proudly displaying their posters and signs in East Wight. With the support of the good people of the East Wight Primary I know that this message will spread far and wide.

I have only been in one political party and I have risen to a national level within this party. I sat on the National Executive (from 2020-23) and I know my party leaders – present and past – very well and they know me. I am ready to take my place at Westminster with the group of new Green MPs who I know I will work well with.

I am the only candidate with a national profile as well as local: I’m the national education spokesperson for the Green Party (since 2016) and have already shared platforms in Westminster with Angela Rayner, Layla Moran and Jeremy Corbyn.

Locally I am a familiar figure for islanders: I rarely have to explain who I am (which is always strange!). My job as a teacher has stopped me from being a IW Councillor but I volunteer for a range of organisations and campaigns – I will take this work ethic even further in the role as MP for IW East.

I will give you data and statistics but it is worth mentioning that the constituency-level ‘polls’ that are shared are from MRP data. They are not local polls. People in IW East have not been polled by any organisation for this election. The data available is national data extrapolated to the constituencies based on their demographic profile and assuming that people will vote in the same way across the country. We are Islanders – and we don’t vote in the same way as the rest of the country!

In the 2015 General Election the Green vote on the island rose exponentially from 900 to 9,400 when I first stood and it has increased even further since then. In 2019 it was the third highest Green Party vote in the entire United Kingdom.  

I’m ready for this – and the Conservatives know it.

Michael Lilley : Liberal Democrats
General website referral

I have a strong enthusiastic campaign team of all ages that is in place and getting our message out there. I have the track record, the human and financial resources to sustain a campaign and gain a Lib Dems win in Isle of Wight East.

The fact is the only political party that has ever defeated the Conservatives on the Isle of Wight in the last one hundred years is the Liberals/Lib Dems in 1974 (twice), 1979, 1983 and 1997. Both candidates, the late Stephen Ross and the late Peter Brand, were respected and established IW Councillors with a strong local track record of getting things done. I fit this description.

The Lib Dems on the Isle of Wight at local level have been the only party to defeat the Conservatives decisively in local elections in the last 18 months.

The last by-election in August 2023, Isle of Wight East’s Wootton area, Sarah Redrup of the Lib Dems won with 47.8% to the Conservatives 29.27%.  This pattern of Lib Dems victory has been duplicated across South Central England with Lib Dems beating the Conservatives and taking control of local councils in the 2024 local elections such as Dorset.

I am the only candidate other than the conservative candidate that is an IW Councillor in the Isle of Wight East Constituency and the only one with 8 years experience. I held my Ryde Appley and Elmfield Ward with 78% of the vote in 2021.

I have never lost an election whether for IW or Ryde Town Council and have an established team of supporters and volunteers around me.

As Mayor of Ryde for 4 years and I oversaw the survival of the town during Covid19 and into the cost of living crisis, and its subsequent economic growth and attracting investment of over £40M.

The above local grounded experience will enable me to cascade this across the Isle of Wight East Constituency.

Like Stephen Ross and Peter Brand, I am a respected and established IW Councillor, and I have held roles of IW Mental Health Champion, Vice-Chair of the IW Council, Chair of Planning, Chair and Vice-Chair of Policy and Scrutiny Committee for Health and Social Care.

I have been also very active in the Isle of Wight voluntary sector for many years being a founder member director of Wight Community Energy and Wight Aviation Museum, and a trustee/director of IW Youth Trust and IW Community Action, and as Chair of the Voluntary Forum including through Covid19. The last word is from the people of Isle of Wight East.

Jo, an Isle of Wight East resident says:

“I have every confidence that Michael, if elected as MP, will keep the Island community in his heart, and at the forefront of his priorities, even at Westminster. That’s why he will get my vote.”

Emily Brothers : Labour Party
Referred to website post

The choice is between responsible Government with Labour or more chaos with the Conservatives. Our changed Labour Party is the only credible alternative to continued Tory failure.

It is a two horse race in Isle of Wight East according to the Economist: https://www.economist.com/interactive/uk-general-election/forecast predicting the Conservatives having a slight advantage with 36% (down from 57% in 2019) compared to Labour on 34% (up from 24% in 2019). The Green Party is predicted to have 11%, Lib Dems 4%, Reform 10% and others 5% vote share. *

Meanwhile, Electoral Calculus poll of polls suggest Labour’s prospects are more favourable: https://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/fcgi-bin/calcwork23.py?seat=Isle%20of%20Wight%20East  With the latest figures showing the Conservatives on 32.8%, Labour on 42.6%, Greens on 3.7% and Lib Dems on 6.1%, again having no chance of defeating the Conservatives. *

The data is robust and clear, I’m the only ‘progressive’ candidate capable of delivering change for Isle of Wight East. This is a battle ground seat for Labour.

Having extensive political experience and skills; professional background in progressive policy and public service delivery, I’m best placed to secure change for Isle of Wight East.

I’ve held leadership roles in various equality based campaigns, particularly on disability and LGBT rights, nationally for decades. Drawing from my lived experience as a disabled trans woman, I advocate for inclusive policy and practice that will ensure independence, inclusion and fairness. This has involved working across the political spectrum, for example on disability benefits, new equality laws and supporting electoral reform. Serving on the policy think tank, the Fabian Society Executive - for many years, required a pluralist approach in generating new ideas and shaping policy.

When encountering barriers as a disabled woman, my response is tenacious in overcoming them. I will draw on that fighting spirit in representing the interests of Isle of Wight East residents, businesses and community groups. I will seek to secure an Island Pact that provides strategic solutions for our unique needs.

My career included managing corporate governance and special projects for the Disability Rights Commission. When the last Labour government decided to harmonise equality laws and bodies, I was involved in facilitating the transition to form the Equality and Human Rights Commission - and later managed the Commission’s programmes pertaining to Health and Local Government. This is relevant because it demonstrates my passion for social justice and ability to drive change.

I will work tirelessly to represent the interests of local people. Isle of Wight East is my priority. A Labour MP is best placed to work with a Labour government for the benefit of our island by deploying progressive measures to reverse the effects of Conservative austerity, regenerate our high streets, and protect our amazing coastal resources.

Labour has changed, Labour is the catalyst for a better future with change and I ask for your trust, your support, and your vote to be the Isle of Wight East agent for change.

* Data as of 13/06/2024

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