We asked the candidates ...


What are your top three policy priorities?  Description of these policies should be clear and succinct, and focus on planned actions.

Asked on:
May 26, 2024
Published on:
June 1, 2024

They answered ...

Emily Brothers : Labour Party
General website referral

1.    Economy - Labour will:

-       Take tough decisions to restore economic stability and security;

-       Reduce energy bills and invest in the jobs and industries of the future via our Green Prosperity Plan and Great British Energy;

-       Build more homes and help first time buyers with ‘first choice’ on new homes in their area;

-       Step up the provision of social housing in Isle of Wight East;

-       Deliver reliable and affordable regulated ferry services.

2.    Energy: A Labour Government will:

-       Create Great British Energy, a new publicly-owned clean power generation company to cut your energy bills and deliver good jobs;

-       Reduce energy bill for good – making families up to £1,400 better off a year;

-       Create 500,000 new, skilled jobs in the industries of the future;

-       accelerate to net zero so as to protect our Island’s UNESCO biosphere;

-       Address the consequences of coastal erosion and Ventnor’s landslip, influencing government to explore options for improved infrastructure;

-       Press the Environment Agency to clean tributaries from the East Yar River, action from Southern Water to separate sewage from rainwater and deploy flood gates at Simeon Recreation Grounds and Island Roads to clear surface water;

-       Stop Southern Water discharging sewage into the sea.

3.    Health - Labour will:

-       Cut waiting times by giving the NHS the staff and technology it needs;

-       End the scramble for GP appointments and giving patients more choice;

-       Improve access to dentists and pharmacies;

-       Improve cancer survival rates and reduce deaths from heart disease and suicide;

-       More care in the community so patients aren’t stuck in hospital;

-       Ensure that Wootton residents continue to have local access to their GP;

-       Ensure that Island patients receive financial support when referred to the mainland.

Vix Lowthion : Green Party
Direct answer

PUBLICLY RUN SERVICES – our NHS, water companies, rail, energy, schools should all be run by publicly accountable organisations. Both Labour and the Conservatives have pushed the country into a crisis in terms of access to health care and clean water, which are two basics of life. The nation’s transport and energy infrastructure are not fit for the challenges of the 21st century. Green MPs would work towards tougher regulation and ultimately public ownership of important infrastructure, both locally and nationally.

TACKLE THE HOUSING CRISIS – Data from the charity Shelter states that we have 668 people recorded as homeless on the island, with 398 children in temporary accommodation. I am certain that there are many hundreds more who are not recorded. This is a crisis, created by a reliance on private rentals, rise in second-homes, and building large, executive housing rather than affordable homes for islanders. The Green Party ‘Right homes, Right Place’ charter would create 100,000 new council homes, incentivise renovations and small developments, protect valuable green spaces, require extra GP places and bus services, introduce rent controls and end no-fault evictions. An excellent start!

ACTION ON CLIMATE & BIODIVERSITY LOSS – The Green Party also have policies on climate and nature! And on the Isle of Wight we know why: the historic flooding in Ryde and Binstead, the landslips in Ventnor, the water pollution on our beaches are just some of the impacts of the climate crisis and lack of investment in public services. In addition, our unique island flora and fauna, as illustrated by our UNESCO Biosphere status, cannot be taken for granted. I support the Local Nature Recovery Strategy, drawing on expertise from across the island. As MP for IW East I would support a carbon tax and a Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill to reduce CO2 emissions.

Michael Lilley : Liberal Democrats
Referred to website post

Island Equality and Cost of Living
Island residents to have an equal lifestyle to their mainland neighbours with no penalization for living on an Island: including housing they can afford. No young person should feel their only choice is to leave the Island to have a fair chance in life.

Economy and Environment
A sustainable local economic strategy realised through more green enterprises, innovation, skills and employment. A flourishing green Island environment with fair and appropriate access to nature for all. Zero tolerance of sewage releases in our waters.

NHS and Healthcare
Island-wide access to good NHS and public services, strong social safety net for the most vulnerable, and every child has access to an NHS dentist. Mental health must be on the same footing as physical health.

And a fourth
Putting the Island at the forefront


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